
Various ways in which donations can be made: 

  • Donate to the Sangha. These are the most intimate kinds of donations and generally bring great joy to the donors. 

  • Donate a meal. This is an established tradition in much of Asia and involves a simple ceremony. Generally, lunch is provided by local families on a weekly rotating basis. However other many families like to donate a meal for a special event like a birthday or new birth. Please contact the Abbot to make arrangements. Note that by observing the Monks Precepts, lunch should be served before noon.

  • Donate to the Monastery. This is a large ongoing opportunity for meritorious donation.

  • Donate to a specific fund. Often a donor takes a particular interest in a particular need of the monastery, for instance in expanding the facilities. At any one time generally, one or more funding campaigns are underway, for instance, to make a repair or develop new facilities. These are generally announced on our news page.
    Donating to a specific fund engages the donor directly in shaping the future of the Vihara according to the donor's values.

  • Donate without earmarking. This is the simplest form of donation but provides support for a wide variety of ongoing and essential needs.

How to donate:

  • By Zelle:
    Santivana Buddhist Assembly
    Tinh Lam Vien
    Zelle via email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    Zelle via phone number: (706) 723-3052

All donations are greatly appreciated.

Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law